About Me
Hi, my name’s Patrik and I’m currently working as a Senior Sofware Engineer in the energy industry. In my short, but eventful career in software development I had the chance to work in multiple domains - from betting, through telecommunications, banking and so on all the way to energetics. All of them had something in common - delivering functionality in high quality and on time.
The key principles for me are mutual respect, team work, clean coding (KISS, DRY, etc.) and testability - I am the one who gets things done.
… and I am looking for new interesting projects, so don`t hesitate to hit me up :)
Solving 21st century energy problems by making the green technologies more accessible and affordable with latest advancements in the AI and data processing
Software development in the energy industry from the bottom to the top - design, architecture, investigation of business processes, implementation, code reviews, CI/CD pipelines, deployment, production support, complex monitoring of deployed applications, etc.
Technologies: Java 18, Spring Boot, Micronaut, Gams, Selenium, Kafka, Docker, PosgreSQL, TimescaleDB, R, Keras and Tensorflow (only DevOps and production support), Github Actions, AWS Stack, Terraform, Ansible, Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack
PX Plant - SaaS solution acting as the energy broker and aggregator using advanced analytics with the latest machine learning concepts and multiple data pipelines to optimize energy assets in real time. Based on the OPC Unified Architecture (UA), MODBUS, Java 18, R, Gams, Docker, etc.
PX Trade - SaaS solution that optimizes the day ahead and intraday energy trading based on various datasources. Used technologies: Java 16, R, Docker, Selenium, etc.
PowereX market platform pilot - SaaS solution for peer to peer energy sharing using advanced analytics with the latest machine learning concepts and distributed architecture. Based on the microservices, Vue.js, Java 11, Kafka, Docker, R, etc.
JUMP-TECH s.r.o.
Senior Java Developer
April 2020 - August 2020
Usual corporate contract in banking
Subcontract for delivering DMS (document management system) application in the bank industry with batch processing of documents, validation, conversion and antivirus control. Based on Java 8, Maven, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, OracleDB, Docker, etc.
First contact with the usual corporate environment
Responsible for:
- design, development, delivery and maintenance of Big Data applications based on Kafka and Hadoop (Java, Scala)
- maintenance and delivery of applications on platforms OpenShift and DC/OS
- DevOps based on Jenkins and GitLab CI/CD
- monitoring of infrastructure and delivered solutions (Prometheus, Grafana)
Largest betting company in Slovakia
Responsible for:
- maintenance and development of backend modules (Perl, RabbitMQ, MySQL)
- automated deployment of developed projects (SaltStack (Salt, Pillar, Vagrant))
- synchronization and maintenance of databases (Flyway, MySQL)
- gradual implementation of monitoring (Prometheus, Grafana)
Slovak University of Technology
MSc Computer Science
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, field of study: Intelligent Software Systems
- Master thesis: The modeling of human visual attention using computer vision and articial intelligence
- TP Cup 2018 winner with team project: Behametrics - behavioral biometrics on mobile devices
Slovak University of Technology
BSc Computer Science
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, field of study: Informatics
- Bachelor thesis: Determination of the eye-catching parts in graphical interfaces
A Little More About Me
Alongside my interests in software engineering some of my other interests and hobbies are:
- Climbing
- Ski mountaineering
- Mountain biking
- Book reading